my latest wire wrapped design.

my latest wire wrapped design.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Bit of a difference!

so, i have been looking at various beading tutorials online, and decided a new project was in order, so here it is:

in the tutorial it was supposed to be a christmas hanging with a little snowflake at the bottom, but i didnt have any so decided to just do a pretty one. it measures about 15cm from the top of the ribbon loop to the little heart at the bottom.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

First post.

So, this is my first ever blog! I am a single mum of four wonderful but challenging kids. I also have 2 tanks of tropical fish, 2 rabbits, a kitten and will soon have a gorgeous dalmation called Willow! In between looking after the children, and the menagerie, I like to make jewellery and hair accessories. I use a number of materials in this, including beads, ribbon, recycled plastic strips, fimo and many others.