my latest wire wrapped design.

my latest wire wrapped design.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

First post.

So, this is my first ever blog! I am a single mum of four wonderful but challenging kids. I also have 2 tanks of tropical fish, 2 rabbits, a kitten and will soon have a gorgeous dalmation called Willow! In between looking after the children, and the menagerie, I like to make jewellery and hair accessories. I use a number of materials in this, including beads, ribbon, recycled plastic strips, fimo and many others.


  1. LOVE the necklace at the bottom on the right, so pretty!! (OnlyWantsOne from MN)

  2. hiya OWO, are you talking about the green necklace? i have it available if you want it? can put it onto silver or white memory wire choker, or a black ribbon cord. It £4 plus 75p postage x

  3. Welcome to the land of blogging! Love that necklace. Looking forward to seeing more posts.

  4. Very pretty! WElcome to blogworld!
